CREST (Combinatorial RNA Engineering via Scaffold Tagged gRNA) is a new molecular “operating system” that parellels the DNA-Casilio system. CREST allows the simultaneous execution of multiple RNA modulation functions on different RNA targets. It also allows a split architecture for improved RNA editing specificity
Paper: Liu, Z., Jillette, N., Robson, P., Cheng, A.W. (2023) Simultaneous multifunctional transcriptome engineering by CRISPR RNA scaffold. Nucleic Acids Research 51(14): e77,
Previously, we created CRISPR-based artificial splicing factors (CASFx) to allow gRNA-programmed activation and repression of alternative exons.
Paper: Du, M.*, Jillette, N.*, Zhu, J.J., Li, S., Cheng, A.W. (2020) CRISPR Artificial Splicing Factors. Nature Communications 11:2973. doi: 1038/s41467-020-16806-4
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